Your search for "effcient trial" return 19 results.
EGGS Program Online - No.04 >
Salmonella Gallinarum 9R strain as vaccine
COGLAPEST®: Comparison With Two Modified Live Vaccines Containing A Chinese Strain >
Two field trials, conducted one in Thailand and one in the Philippines, compare the immunogenicity of COGLAPEST® from Ceva Animal Health versus two different commercial modified live vaccines containi...
Porcine Pleuropneumonia - Good Protection Without Stress: COGLAPIX® >
The protection of a farm against APP may combine different solutions including husbandry management measures concerning the control of the introduced animals, reasoned antibiotic use for short treatme...
C.H.I.C.K. Program Online - No.10 >
Vaccination against Newcastle disease in the hatcheries
What is the best vaccination program with Coglapest® for sows? A new study that changes the usual concepts >
A trial in a big farm in the south of Thailand has confirmed it is better to vaccinate all the sow at the same date before farrowing.
Pleuropneumonia in pigs - its importance and prevention >
Porcine Pleuropneumonia is a major threat in pig farms. The prevalence is high and the economic consequences are serious, because of mortality, and the decrease on performances. The pathogenesis of th...
EGGS Program Online - No.02 >
Efficacy of several Salmonella vaccination programs against experimental challenge with Salmonella Gallinarum in commercial brown layer and broiler breeder hens
The C.H.I.C.K. Program – a Giant Step Closer to the Client >
A new programme from Ceva Santé Animale aims to get the company and its clients working more closely together: Ceva gains an opportunity to gain experience and the customer receives a service tailored...
C.H.I.C.K. Program Online - No.03 >
Incubation conditions and broiler performance