This disease, due to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (Ap), is responsible for important losses caused by high mortality during the outbreaks (up to 15%), due to the fact the disease usually affects pigs in the second half of the growing period (the loss of heavy pigs is always more costly to the farmer), the necessary treatments and the fact the performances are affected (lower growth but mostly increased feed conversion ratio).
A better understanding of the pathogen, of the role of immuity and of the methods on how to indentify problematic farms or batches, and not only problematic individuals, can help us to take the correct decisions in applying the reasonable preventive measures.
So Ceva Animal Health Vietnam has the honour of providing the timely and useful informations relating to porcine pleuropneumonia to support the expert knowledge and suggest some solutions that can be applied.
In the modern world, pertinent information is critical in order to be successful in any kind of business. And the swine industry is not also an exception, so one of the most challenging activities for the farm owners is to be resourceful and updated which has become mandatory.
For this reason, Ceva Animal Health Vietnam has the honour of presenting to customers the informations about the common diseases in pig, like below:

Coglapix® - Economic benefit study versus an antibiotic in the control of A.P. >
The Vaccine group (with Coglapix®) and Antibiotic group have the higher performance and more profit than the Control group. Although the similar performance, the economic impact given by the Vaccine group is more improved than the Antibiotic group. Today, in the effort to reduce the use of antibiotic in feed, the vaccination shows that this measure is an efficient solution to control A.p.

APP: Comparison Of Four Different Vaccines Under Field Conditions In The Philippines >
A trial under field conditions has been conducted in the Philippines in comparison Coglapix® with two toxoid vaccines and one bacterin vaccine of the market. In this trial, Coglapix®, the toxoid vaccine tested from Ceva Santé Animale, has met its claims: less PVR and improved performance.

Coglapix® and the procedure to control pleuro-pneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) >
In the recent years, the pig farms in the whole world always control APP following a strict process including diagnosis, prevention, treatment and regular monitoring together with good farm practices and biosecurity measures. So in Vietnam, we should follow what is the procedure to control APP effectively?

Porcine Pleuropneumonia - Good Protection Without Stress: COGLAPIX® >
The protection of a farm against APP may combine different solutions including husbandry management measures concerning the control of the introduced animals, reasoned antibiotic use for short treatment periods only, and vaccination. Among them, the vaccination may protect completely the pigs in farm against APP and the use of COGLAPIX® provides the advantages of a universal vaccine against all serotypes...

Porcine Pleuropneumonia: From A Good Detection To A Good Protection >
In this new issue of Axis, we would like to have anupdate on the swine pleuro-pneumonia, the management of the disease and the prevention possibilities. Ceva Santé Animale has developed a new vaccine, COGLAPIX® that offers new perspectives. The topic is developed in two articles.

Pleuropneumonia in pigs - its importance and prevention >
Porcine Pleuropneumonia is a major threat in pig farms. The prevalence is high and the economic consequences are serious, because of mortality, and the decrease on performances. The pathogenesis of the disease, well described by the author, enhances the role of the three exotoxins Apx I, II, III. A toxoid vaccine containing all of them, as well as other major factors of virulence is necessary to confer...

Porcine pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - The threat for your fattening pigs >
The Porcine Pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is well known about a very high loss due to the mortality in heavy pigs (from 70kg), the increase of treatment costs, technical performance deterioration (FCR, ADG). That’s why the diagnosis and the prevention of this disease keep a very important role in a farm.