Your search for "lung scoring" return 40 results.
Part 3.1 >
Modified Madec Scoring
Hyogen® with ImuvantTM - Superior Protection Against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection >
- Single injection provides early and long lasting protection - Broad stimulation of the immune system with ImuvantTM - Trials demonstrate superior protection versus competitors - Expertise of the...
VETRIMOXIN® LA - Technical profile >
Vetrimoxin® LA is the leading product in the Ceva anti-infective range. Within the group of historical antibiotics, the product has an extensive experience in the market as leader in its segment being...
Overview of porcine immune defenses and immunity to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection >
The pig relies on multiple defenses to protect itself against microbial invasion. Understanding these immune defenses will help the producers to find the suitable solution to control the diseases in p...
4. >
Summary of the Diagnostic Methods
3. >
Aujeszky’s Disease Virus
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Actinobaccilus pleuropneumoniae
1. >
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Disease >
Ceva Lung Program will focus in three main respiratory diseases: Enzootic Pneumonia (EP), Pleuro-pneumonia and Aujeszky’s disease.
Ceva Lung Program - Overview >
The Ceva Lung Program (CLP) provides an overview of the diseases associated with Actinobacillus pleuropeumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Aujeszky’s disease virus.