Your search for "cevac new k" return 20 results.
TRANSMUNE IBD: Protecting more than 210 chicks every second around the world! >
CEVAC® TRANSMUNE IBD Live Immune Complex vaccine For the active immunization of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease.
C.H.I.C.K. Program Online - No.10 >
Vaccination against Newcastle disease in the hatcheries
C.H.I.C.K. Program Online - No.09 >
Vaccination in the hatcheries
EGGS Program Online - No.02 >
Efficacy of several Salmonella vaccination programs against experimental challenge with Salmonella Gallinarum in commercial brown layer and broiler breeder hens
The C.H.I.C.K. Program – a Giant Step Closer to the Client >
A new programme from Ceva Santé Animale aims to get the company and its clients working more closely together: Ceva gains an opportunity to gain experience and the customer receives a service tailored...
The Automatic Injector for Day Old Chick Vaccination
Live Vaccines >
With a large number of carefully selected live attenuated strains for IBD, ND, IB, Coccidiosis and Mycoplasma control.
Inactivated Vaccines >
With a complete range of inactivated oily or aluminum hydroxide adjuvated vaccines against IBD, ND, IB, EDS, Coryza and Salmonella in chicken.
Hatchery Vaccines >
With the evolution of the technologies used in poultry production, more and more producers are capable of realizing the benefits of concentrating their vaccination activities in hatcheries.
Reducing the threat farm animals pose to global public health >
Half of all infectious diseases and 3/4 of newly emerging diseases that affect people are zoonotic - transmitted to people from animals. Ceva is working with partners throughout the world to reduce th...