Eye-drop Method
Fill the vaccine vial with diluent till 3/4 of the total volume to dissolve the lyophilized vaccine. Pour and dilute the vaccine suspension into the remaining diluent contained in the plastic bottle with the dropper. Sterile needle and syringe should be used for this preparation.
30 ml of diluent should be used to administer 1,000 doses.
Hold the bird to be vaccinated with the head tilted to one side.
Hold the plastic bottle with the dropper tip down, gently press the sides, dropping one drop of vaccine on to the eye of the bird. Be sure the vaccine spreads over the eye before releasing the bird.
Spray Method
Use sterile distilled water and reconstitute the vaccine as explained in the eye drop method.
It is preferable to use a sprayer working under constant pressure. Use the right nozzle size (as prescribed by the sprayer manufacturer) and tune the pressure to produce a coarse spray.
Delivery rate varies from 0.2 to 0.3 litre / 1000 day old chicks in a box, from 0.5 to 1 litre / 1000 birds on litter. The volume may change according to the weather conditions.
The birds should be slightly wet after vaccination.
Vaccinate during the coolest time of the day. Switch of the heaters and shut down the ventilation.
Gather the birds on the ground or in boxes. Dim the lighting and spray 20 - 30 cm above the birds.
Return to spray a second time.
Leave the birds quite for at least 15 minutes after vaccination. Switch on ventilation and heaters.
Drinking Water Method
Do not use a disinfectant in the drinking water for a period of 48 hours prior to and 24 hours after vaccination.
When a chlorine pump is used, switch it of for the same period of time.
The waterers should be thoroughly cleaned before vaccination. No disinfectant shall be used.
Close the water distribution system, raise and empty the nipple lines or empty the waterers.
Water withholding period varies according to age of birds and climatic conditions (average 1 hour 30 min).
Prepare only the amount of vaccine to be used immediately.
Use only plastic material and tools to prepare and administer vaccine.
Prepare the required volume of water that will be consumed by the birds in 2 hours. This volume may change according to the climatic and environmental conditions.
As an aid in preserving the virus activity, neutralise the chlorine with 2.5 g of skimmed milk powder per litre of water or 15 mg of sodium thiosulfate per litre of water. Do not use water containing high concentrations of metal ions.
Mix the vaccine with clean, cool, non-chlorinated water by opening the vials under the water and let stand for 10 minutes.
Open the water system when the color of the water changes (blue dye), lower the lines and check distribution throughout the house. When the tank is empty: fill it with a solution of skimmed milk powder, let it stand for 10 min., then open the water system to flush out the remaining vaccine solution in the pipeworks.
Vaccine solution can be distributed also manually by workers using plastic watering cans.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or send us an e-mail to contact.vn@ceva.com!
CEVAC® BRON 120 L contains the Massachusetts H-120 strain of infectious bronchitis virus in live, freeze-dried form.
The embryonated hen eggs used in the production of the vaccine are obtained from specified-pathogen-free (SPF) flocks.
Primary vaccination should be carried-out with CEVAC® BRON 120 L by eye-drop or spray method, as from 1 day of age. Booster vaccination is recommended three to four weeks later by spray or drinking water. For pullets, a second booster vaccination is recommended at 10 to 12 weeks of age.
Rarely, catarrhal respiratory symptoms appear 4 to 6 days following vaccination but disappear in a few days.
Between 2°C and 8°C, protected from light